Compared to the last year, the Lenovo Group has increased its sales by 48 percent, an incredible revenue of 15.6 billion dollars. The profit before taxes grew unexpectedly by 392% and the profit after tax jumped by 512% that is a great success. Also Read: Twitter is working on More Tweet Reactions, Similar to Facebook

2020-2021 Best Financial Year of Lenovo with $60 Billion Revenue

According to Lenovo Chairman and CEO Yuanging Yang, the company gained the highest revenue in almost the last 10 years. This performance is likely to provide large returns on Lenovo’s investments this year. For the fiscal year 2020-2021, these shareholders will get a $0.0309 dividend per share. This exponential increase resulted from significant contributions from several areas, including laptops, tablets, cloud services, smartphones, and others. In markets such as Europe, North America, and Asia, Lenovo Group showed a great performance and established a strong global position even during a penademic. In order to take advantage of the current opportunities and to continue to grow, the firm wants to continue its strong global presence. You may be also interested in: Lenovo Legion Phone Duel 2 Comes With Dual Charging Ports for Gamers