List of Bad Inventions Ever In The History

The world is replete with inventions, most designed to improve the quality, comfort, and purpose of human life. Nevertheless, these useless and perhaps deadly inventions are abundant. Therefore, we have put together a list of the 25 worst inventions of all time.

Anti-Eating Mask

A cup-shaped member that fits the user’s mouth and chin area, along with a hoop member and straps detachably engageable with the user’s head, make up an anti-eating facemask. By mounting the cup-shaped member in an overlying relationship with the user’s mouth and chin area under the nose, the user is prevented from ingesting food and has been used back in the old days in a very destructive way. Mostly war prisoners were forced to wear this mask so as to torture them while preventing them from eating making the worst invention of the 21st Century.


In the 1940s, the first modern synthetic insecticide, known as DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane), was produced. DDT was the first of its kind. Its first application in the fight against malaria, typhus, and other human diseases transmitted by insects was quite successful, and it was utilized by both military and civilian populations. It was also successful in controlling insects in crop and livestock production, as well as in homes, gardens, and institutional settings. The rapid success of DDT as a pesticide and its widespread usage in the United States and other nations led to the evolution of resistance in a wide variety of insect species that cause problems for agriculture. It is not known whether or whether low ambient concentrations of DDT have any impact on human health. When humans are exposed to high amounts of a substance, some of the symptoms that might occur include shaking, tremors, and even seizures. Studies conducted on laboratory animals revealed impacts on both the liver and reproduction. There is some evidence that DDT may cause cancer in humans. These are the reasons that make DDT the stupidest invention ever.

Hydrogen Blimps

When the Hindenburg was being developed in 1931, its creators made the tragic decision to employ hydrogen rather than helium to propel the blimp into the air. This proved to be the dumbest invention. Hydrogen was less expensive and more readily available than other options, but it came with the drawback of being highly combustible. That was a problem in 1937 when the famous blimp caught fire and crashed within just 36 seconds, putting an end to the hydrogen blimp as we knew it. The vast majority of modern blimps, including the ones made famous by Goodyear, are propelled by helium, which is significantly less prone to spontaneous combustion.

Red Dye No. 2

There is a significant probability that you have consumed amaranth, the red food color that is also known as Red No. 2. If you live in Canada or Europe, there is a good likelihood that you have done so. But you won’t find any Red No. 2 in goods sold in the United States because doing so is against the law in that country. When the United States government first started to regulate such things in 1906, one of the first food colors that was allowed to be sold was called Red No. 2. A material that is inexpensive and has no discernible flavor, only a very small amount of the dye was required to impart fiery color to foods and makeup, and up until the 1970s, it was present in a number of different comestibles and cosmetics. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) came to a conclusion in 1976 that female rats exposed to Red No. 2 in high enough doses had an increased risk of developing cancer. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States decided that it was no longer acceptable as an ingredient because, despite the fact that it had never been demonstrated to pose any health concerns to humans, no one had been able to prove that it was safe either making it the worst ever the invention of all time.

Hair in a Can

Nothing truly delicious has ever been packaged in a can, not even cheese, Spam, or sardines. The same may be said for hair. Spray-on hair is believed to be able to cover up bald spots, and off-hours infomercials give it a lot of frantic hype. In actual use, the can produces a fine powder that, in the end, looks a little bit nicer than it would have if you had used a spray paint can instead. At the very least, it demonstrates that maintaining one’s dignity as one gets older is an admirable goal in and of itself, regardless of anything else. Sprays contain polymers and solvents. These substances cause eye, nose, throat, and skin discomfort. They induce sneezing, red eyes, rashes, and itching. Hairspray use can cause breathing problems. Low blood pressure and pulmonary problems are others. Inhaling propylene glycol regularly might be toxic and cause cancer which makes it to be the most worthless invention in the 21st century. Use natural hair tonics for longer, stronger, glossy hair. This natural hair serum can eliminate frizz.


Honeygar –  also known as Honegar – is an all-natural tonic that is used. It provides a number of health benefits that have been supported by scientific investigations into humans. However, there have also been questions expressed about its safety as well as the potential adverse consequences it may have. Regrettably, it has been noted that honeygar can result in a number of major adverse effects. This holds especially true when taken in substantial quantities over a period of time. Consuming a large quantity of something that is normally fine and healthy in moderation can be damaging and even hazardous if the amount consumed is excessive. Mainly, higher consumption of honeygars triggers indigestion, erosion of tooth enamel, skin burn, and many more. The most crucial side effect of the honeygar, which makes it a terrible invention, is that it reacts to all the drugs that are used in diabetes medication. Diabetic patients are strictly advised not to consider the intake of honeygar as they may face some serious health issues. There are other alternatives to this ridiculous invention in the history which are more beneficial.



At first glance, the Segway does not appear to be all that impressive; rather, it appears to be a high-tech scooter. However, those who have given it a shot assert that it is much, much more — an entirely new mode of transportation — than what it initially appears to be. The Segway, in contrast to an automobile, consists of only two wheels and has a design that is reminiscent of a standard hand truck; despite this, it is capable of standing on its own. The rider of the Segway need only lean ever-so-slightly in either direction to travel forward or backward on the device. The rider must move the right handlebar either forward or backward to make a turn to the left or right. It can seem like a lot of fun, but riding a Segway Personal Transporter, which has just two wheels, can actually be quite risky. Ten of the forty-one persons who were injured were taken to the hospital, with four of those victims being admitted to an intensive care unit because they had suffered traumatic brain injuries. During their time in the hospital, two patients required surgery: one to repair a fracture in the face, and the other to repair a fracture in the tibia. When one considers the effects of the Segway, it is not difficult to assert that it is the most useless product that made millions of dollars.

New Coke

Depending on who you ask, it was either one of the most monumental marketing gaffes in the history of the world (as the majority of people would say), or an improbable stroke of corporate genius (as a diehard few still maintain). No matter how you look at it, April 23, 1985, will always be remembered as one of the most pivotal days in the annals of commercial history. On that day, the 99-year-old Coca-Cola company made the announcement that it would be replacing its original soda recipe with New Coke, a newer, sweeter version which later proved to be the worst idea ever. These beverages cause a quick rise in blood sugar levels and have an effect on the brain’s reward and pleasure centers that is comparable to that of heroin. The findings of more recent studies contribute to the growing body of evidence that diabetes and sugary beverages are linked. These studies also appear to indicate that consuming sugary drinks has a negative impact on the activity levels of the brain, kidneys, and liver.


With a value of $261 billion, Microsoft had just overtaken Apple as the most valuable corporation in the world, but “Cortana” remained merely a name. However, Microsoft was about to discover something significant about the direction virtual assistants were headed in. With the release of Windows 97, Clippy, the virtual paperclip created to aid with Microsoft Word navigation, also arrived. It looks like you’re drafting a letter, Clippy would say, and would then offer to assist. If you are writing your very first letter, that might be helpful, but if you aren’t (as the majority of users weren’t), it becomes “infuriating.” Let’s just start off by saying that Clippy was a pioneer. He broke new ground in the field of digital assistants, which is still being completely explored and realized today, as a virtual assistant that would respond to specific circumstances and be constantly accessible. Second, Clippy would start banging on the screen to grab your attention if you were sitting at your computer doing nothing, like talking to someone in real life or considering what to write next. It’s unclear why it was intended to disrupt. Without a doubt, that was a fascinating animation in 1997, but it didn’t do anything unless you had actually fallen asleep in the middle of a thought.

Agent Orange

The most ridiculous invention ever is Agent Orange. During the Vietnam War, the American military employed a concoction of herbicides known as Agent Orange. A hazardous chemical pollutant known as dioxin was present in large amounts of it. Agent Orange was no longer being produced after the 1970s. However, dioxin contamination is still having negative effects today. Dioxin is a very hazardous and persistent organic pollutant associated with cancers, diabetes, birth deformities, and other diseases, as many American veterans of the Vietnam War are aware. It is the deadliest chemical pollutant that triggers: AL Amyloidosis, Chronic B-Cell Leukemia, Chloracne, Diabetes Type 2, Hodgkin’s Disease, Hormone Disruption, Ischemic Heart Disease, Multiple Myeloma, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Parkinson’s Disease, Peripheral Neuropathy, Porphyria Cutanea Tarda, Prostate Cancer, Respiratory Cancers, Soft Tissue Sarcomas. All these diseases are life-taking diseases and make Agent Orange one of the stupidest inventions of all time in the 21st Century.

Subprime Mortgages

It’s possible that a subprime mortgage could be a better choice for you if you’ve always wanted to own your own house but have had credit problems that have prevented you from doing so. Even while these loans are intended for borrowers with higher credit risk, they nonetheless carry their own set of inherent dangers. Subprime mortgages let borrowers pay interest for the first several years. When it’s time to pay the loan, the borrower plans to refinance or sell the property. If property prices drop, the borrower can’t refinance or sell at a loss. They will default on the mortgage, which caused the 2008 subprime crisis. Subprime mortgages are marketed as a method to buy a home with bad credit. After a few years, the monthly payments will increase with the principal amount, making it harder for the borrower to pay the mortgage. All these are the reasons that make subprime mortgages a useless innovative idea because more people suffer from the risk than benefit from it.


Crinolines were first constructed as stiff linen and horsehair underskirts, but they eventually evolved into wood and whalebone monsters. While wearing multiple layers of bulky, starched petticoats to achieve the same amount of volume was previously necessary, crinolines had their own set of issues. Women nevertheless had to be careful when they sat down to avoid displaying their underwear or getting buried in a pile of ruffles, even if many crinolines were rather springy. The wearer of a crinoline could also fall and injure themselves as well as their self-respect if it gets caught in the wind. Crinolines also raised more significant safety issues. It was not unusual for them to become entangled in machinery or wagon wheels, which would at best cause injury and at worst result in death. As if that weren’t terrible enough, standing too close to the fireplace could light a skirt on fire when crinolines were mixed with the combustible textiles of the time, leading to serious injury and, in many cases, death. Famous nurse Florence Nightingale even denounced the trendy undergarments as an “absurd and hideous custom” in her Notes on Nursing. Since the disadvantages overtake the advantages making it a useless invention of the time.

Nintendo Virtual Boy

Less than a year after its release, the Virtual Boy’s price was reduced to $99. It was canceled after two months. Only 770,000 Virtual Boy units were reportedly sold during its brief existence, with 140,000 of those coming from domestic Japanese sales. The idealistic pair of light goggles that was the Virtual Boy quickly changed into a large headset. To ensure that gamers’ brains were shielded from EMF radiation, the console had to be supported by metal plates. Nintendo designed a stand for the Virtual Boy to help with the weight. Unfortunately, the final design of the console had a serious flaw: users had to lean forward to play, which, according to Tech Times, led to neck strain. To make matters worse, the Virtual Boy’s screen could only display the colors red and black. Eye strain resulted from the colors and 3D impression (and reportedly still does). Nintendo released a caution that the Virtual Boy could result in migraines, nausea, and seizures due to liability concerns. Rival manufacturers weren’t surprised by this because the Virtual Boy’s technology has been demonstrated to a lot of businesses, including Sega. Every company save Nintendo rejected the 3D technology because it caused children to vomit and lose their equilibrium.

Hydrogenated Oils

Many processed foods typically contain hydrogenated vegetable oil as one of their ingredients. This oil is used by a lot of manufacturers because of its inexpensive price and long shelf life. On the other hand, it’s been linked to a number of dangerous adverse effects. It may trigger unbalanced blood sugar, increase inflammation, and can harm health problems related to the heart by increasing levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol while decreasing good HDL (good) cholesterol, both of which are risk factors for heart disease and severe heart strokes. It is important to check the ingredient lists of the foods you eat very carefully for hydrogenated vegetable oils, which may be labeled as “hydrogenated oils” or “partially hydrogenated oils.” Doing so will help you reduce the amount of trans fat you take in.

Ford Pinto

The Ford Motor Company produced and sold a subcompact automobile known as the Ford Pinto in North America from the model years 1971 through 1980. The Pinto was in production from 1971 through 1980. The Ford Pinto was the company’s first attempt at manufacturing a subcompact car in the North American market. In the 1970s, the subcompact automobile known as the Pinto, which was manufactured by Ford Motor Company, gained notoriety for its tendency to burst into flames in the event that the gas tank was damaged in an accident. The corporation was shown to have hurried the Pinto through production and into the market as a result of the lawsuits that were brought by injured people and the survivors of those victims.


Betamax, also referred to as a video cassette recorder, is a consumer-level analog recording and cassette format using magnetic tape for video. It was created by Sony and launched on May 10 in Japan, with the US following in November of that same year. The videotape format war, which saw Betamax’s closest competitor, VHS, dominate the majority of markets, is usually seen as having been lost by Betamax. Betamax’s increased price was justified by the fact that it looked and sounded better than VHS. Despite its somewhat lower quality, VHS had an edge because of its higher pricing. Sony overlooked the fact that their improved quality was almost even perceptible, making the decision to choose VHS a clear one that was also more cost-effective. That is why Betamax was looked upon as not a product with value for money and was considered a failed invention of the 21st Century.

Pop-Up Ads

Pop-up ads are those that open in a new window when you are online. They can live on a page as it loads or in the space between pages as they load. They are one of the most popular ways to show ads to people who visit a website because they work well and the user has to do something to get away from it. The whole point of a popup on a website is to get the user’s attention and get them to pay attention to a message. This can take the user’s attention away from the task at hand, and it may be enough to make them leave your site and go to a competitor’s. In fact, anything that gets in the way of a user buying something or signing up runs the risk of losing them as a customer and is anticipated to be the most annoying invention of all time.

Phone Fingers

Some people truly mind fingerprints on the iPhone. One Austrian business came up with a creative answer to this modern conundrum: wrap your fingers in Phone Fingers, and latex accessories. Customers could walk the streets with pink, white, blue, or black fingers for less than €10—a relative steal gave the euro’s recent slump. Getting the fingers on and off with any pretense of comfort was the only issue customers had. With a sizing chart that is printable and can be used by customers to determine their “finger size,” the company allayed their concerns. You can instantly transform into a huge one by placing your finger on the sheet of paper. The primary drawback of using a phone finger is the possibility of skin sensitivities and reactions. Additionally, latex is quite poor for handling organic solvents because it provides no chemical protection. In addition, lacerations or puncture holes in latex are particularly difficult to find. Due to skin sensitivities and allergies brought on by both the lubricating powders and the latex, wearing gloves made of powdered latex can result in extra health problems. Hence, makes it the dumbest invention of all time.


CFCs are chemicals made up of carbon, chlorine, and fluorine. They are not dangerous and don’t catch fire. They are used to make aerosol sprays, as solvents, as blowing agents for foams and packing materials, as refrigerants, and in other ways. Old refrigerators and other CFC-using devices can still be in use despite the fact that CFCs have been mostly phased out and scientists have connected them to the destruction of the ozone layer. CFCs can have an adverse effect on human health through inhalation, digestion, or other physical contact, as well as from exposure to risky quantities of ultraviolet radiation. According to the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Sciences, inhaling CFCs has an impact on the central nervous system. The end effect is a state of drunkenness resembling that brought on by alcohol, complete with headaches, tremors, and convulsions. Additionally, CFC inhalation can cause irregular heartbeat, which might be fatal. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warn that exposure to significant amounts of CFCs may result in asphyxiation. Keeping all the above-mentioned effects of CFC in view, it is not hard to say that it is the worst invention of all time since it is life-taking for living beings.

Plastic Grocery Bags

Plastic grocery bags, carrying bags, and shopping bags are all variations of plastic bags that are used as shopping bags. These bags, which have been around since the 1960s and are used by consumers everywhere to transport goods from stores to homes, are commonly referred to as single-use bags. Although, there has been a great debate about the effects of plastic grocery bags around the globe. The fact that plastic bags take a very long time to degrade has a significant negative influence on the environment. Additionally, when plastic bags decompose under sunlight, hazardous compounds are released into the soil, and when plastic bags are burned, a toxic substance is discharged into the air, contributing to ambient air pollution. It has been hypothesized that using plastic bags may facilitate the spread of malignant disorders due to the unchecked accumulation of carcinogenic chemicals. It is, in fact, one of the bad inventions and is the worst idea that ever came to the mind of its inventor.

Parachute Jacket

Not your average jacket made of parachute material, in case that’s what you were picturing. This was a real jacket that had the functionality of a parachute built into it. Frantz Reichelt, a French tailor who was also a pioneer in the field of parachuting and was frequently referred to as the “flying tailor,” was the one who came up with the idea for it. The inventor was so sure that his latest creation would be successful that he decided to test it by jumping off of the Eiffel Tower. However, the complicated device failed, and the inventor was killed as a result. Who would want to die of his own invention? This is the world’s worst invention because it had no safety features.


The mineral known as asbestos is found naturally and is made up of fibers that are both flexible and resistant to heat, electricity, and corrosion. Because of these characteristics, the mineral can be beneficial. However, exposure to asbestos is extremely hazardous to one’s health. According to the findings of several scientific research, asbestos exposure is connected to a number of ailments, including cancer. Exposure to asbestos is almost the only known risk factor for developing mesothelioma, a type of cancer. Additionally, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, and cancer of the larynx can be brought on by exposure to this mineral.


Olestra is a fat replacement that does not cause items to include more calories. It has been employed in the preparation of foodstuffs that would generally be rich in fat, and as a result, the amount of fat in those foods has been reduced or eliminated. The adverse effects of Olestra, which include abdominal discomfort, flatulence, and diarrhea, are unfortunately unavoidable. Additionally, it can inhibit the body’s ability to absorb carotenoids, which are believed to lower the chance of developing cancer. In addition to this, Olestra interferes with the body’s capacity to absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Atom Bomb

The atom bomb, often known as the atomic bomb, is a powerful nuclear weapon. It generates a significant quantity of energy through fission (fission bombs) or through reactions involving both fission & fusion (thermonuclear bombs). In World War II, the United States deployed it twice, both times against Japan. The US research team that created the atomic bomb was reportedly led by Robert Oppenheimer, known as the “father of the atomic bomb.” There probably isn’t the stupidest invention out there. An estimated 225,000 people died as a result of the two bombings, according to some estimates. That doesn’t include the deaths that weren’t immediate.

Detachable Dog Sacks for Cars

When it comes to this topic, it’s difficult to even know where to start. It’s very much the same thing as putting your dog in a bag and then strapping them to the back of your car. We are making the assumption that dog owner who purchases this product has a strong aversion to having dog hair on their seats. In spite of this, it is true that this item was patented, sold, and used throughout the 1940s. It is the dumbest invention made in history, that violates the rights of animals and living beings.


Most of the above-mentioned inventions were developed in the 20th Century, yet they utilized outdated methods. These innovations were developed in secret and marketed as industry disruptors, but in reality, they did not engage in the process of user discovery and iterative evolution that has led to the success of startups such as Tinder, Uber, and Dropbox. Let us know in the comments if you have ever come across the Stupidest invention that we might have missed. Read Also: Most Hated Apps In The World

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