This Spooky Painting was painted more than 100 years before the first smartphone was invented

The picture, titled The Expected One, shows a young woman wandering through the countryside with her eyes glued to a squared object or gadget in her hand. It was actually painted by Ferdinand George Waldmüller in 1860 which is decades before electricity was first introduced to British households. It means that when this was painted there was no concept of technology. Art critics even insisted that whatever the woman is holding is nothing to do with technology. However, the eagle-eyed art fans are somehow convinced that it looks like the woman is staring at a smartphone more than a hundred years before they were even invented. From the picture, it is quite clear the woman is shown walking with her gaze frozen downward at that thing in her hand while a boy holds out a pink flower waiting for her. Some Experts say that the reason why the girl is looking down is not that she is using an iPhone but because she is reading a prayer book. What do you think? This painting was being displayed at the Neue Pinakothek museum in Munich, Germany which is already home to hundreds of paintings from the 18th and 19th centuries. A Retired local Glasgow Government officer Peter Russell is the first person to notice the potential hidden detail while visiting the gallery with his wife. He stated that: The fact is that with the advancement in technology our way of perceiving things has changed now. In this modern era, we are surrounded by thousands of things that revolve around technology. So, that’s the reason why this painting is convincing many people of this era to think that the woman in that picture is holding phone a hundred years before they were even invented. Also Read: A New Phishing Scam Sends You An Email Disguised As Your Company’s Boss (

A Mysterious 150 Year Old Painting Hints At Woman Using iPhone - 66