Call of Duty Mobile, collaboratively designed by Tencent and Activision, was released back on October 1st, 2019. Since its inception, the mobile game has surpassed 250 million downloads while PUBG garnered 236 million, and Fortnite only gained 78 million in the same amount of time.

Call of Duty Surpasses PUBG in Mobile Downloads

The report published from Sensor Tower shows downloads by region and the income generated by the game. CoD Mobile is most famous in the United States, with 18 percent of the total downloads (45 million), and the second and third positions were held by India and Brazil, respectively. As mentioned earlier, it also earned the highest revenue compared to its rivals in terms of global user spending in the initial 256 days. It generated a total of $327 million in revenue, which is 78 percent higher than PUBG and 83 percent higher than its other counterpart Fortnite. Call of Duty’s best performing time was its first month of release with $55 million in revenue, and May 2020 came very near to $53 million. The United States ranked first in terms of user spending, along with 41% ($134 million) of the total revenue originating from the region. In this category, Japan and Brazil ranked second and third, respectively. Check out? Developers Of Call Of Duty Announced New PUBG Game