A few key changes could help stabilize the battle royale juggernaut — it’s just a matter of deciding what to prioritize first. Addressing these issues might go a long way toward improving the quality of life in Warzone 2.0 by early 2023. Issue #1 In Warzone 2.0, gunfights are frequently over in a matter of seconds. That’s why it’s critical to be able to take a step back and apply armor plates to reset the engagement. The issue is that plating actually disables your ability to run, making you a sitting duck while wearing armor. Issue #2 The developer of Call of Duty: Warzone 2, has been chastised for its use of the Arabic language and cultural misrepresentation in Warzone 2. Rami Ismail, co-founder of Vlambeer, was among those who spoke out about the game and shared a detailed thread of criticism on ResetEra.
Issue #3 With so many weapons to choose from, it’s easy to become overwhelmed while creating your loadouts. While many experienced players follow prominent YouTubers and content makers to learn about the meta weaponry, the majority of the community chooses their weapons based on in-game metrics. The issue is that these data are completely false and deceptive, putting novice gamers at a significant disadvantage. Issue #4 Another contentious alteration is the absence of any one-hit-kill snipers (to a fully-plated enemy). This update is acceptable, but the way it is implemented is irritating, rendering snipers essentially worthless. The goal is to keep players from getting removed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, only some snipers could obtain a one-hit kill to the head in the original Warzone, and you had to be within a particular distance for it to function.