The online sign language program will have 4 modules including Introduction to Sign Language, Foundation of Pakistan Sign Language, Sentences Approaches and Advanced Vocabulary and Experimental Learning. By the end of the course the participants will be able to initiate conversation with the hard of hearing community and will be on their way to further enhance their skills and provide professional sign language services. Launched in 2018, DeafTawk is a one of its kind local startup having created an online solution for the connectivity of the deaf community with qualified sign language interpreters, while also working on building capacity of sign language interpreters for quality services. DeafTawk’s online app allows the deaf community to access the services of a qualified interpreter on video call.  In addition to online interpretation, the startup also provides on-premises and content interpretation services. With significant growth and traction in Pakistan, the startup is now scaling their operations in Singapore, Europe and USA. Talking about the impact, DeafTawk has over 19,500 users with 1,100+ interpreters on board. The startup offers interpretation services in 6 languages and has created 740+ job to date. About the KhudHi Program In continuation of their values to uplift the community and create more job opportunities DeafTawk has launched their KhudHi Program. The program is tailor-made for people who aspire to learn new skills and translate them into various earning opportunities. Their aim, through this initiative, is to empower the youth and provide them with the tools and techniques that will help them enhance their socio-economic status and support their families in the process. Khud Etimadi, the basic sign language course, is the first pillar of our KhudHi Program. The 8-week online course is delivered by nationally-known interpreters with an aim to introduce people to the world of sign language and help them develop their self-confidence. The online classes will be held on weekends and a certificate of completion will be given to participants at the end of the course.