eBay Soon to Ban ‘Vulgar and Sexually Explicit’ Items from its Platform

As per the new policy on the eBay website, “most adult-only items are prohibited.” The items that contain nudity or any obscene content must follow the updated guidelines which will be afterward reviewed by the eBay platform before being put up for sale. According to the new policy, In addition to that, modeled clothing that is too tight or transparent and shows human genitalia, the anus, or the areola of female breasts will be strictly banned along with the male erections, along with the people who are engaged in any kind of sexual activity. Moreover, the banned adult-only items also encompass ‘sexually explicit anime, comics, books, films, animation, manga, hentai, yaoi’ in addition to the adult films and video games. Therefore, game lovers won’t be able to purchase some of their favorite games if they contain sexually explicit visuals as explained in the updated policy. However, nude art listings that are not comprised of sexually suggestive poses are allowed on the platform, but they must include the item-specific attribute. Furthermore, these items will also be listed in categories advised by the eBay platform. It is also possible that eBay may take action against sellers who do not follow the updated policy.