The new icon brought to the website for reports against crooked officials reads “For Immediate Redressing Complaints, Press Button. In fact, the governing body has also introduced a public complaints site in this regard. As per the image statement shared by the Council, general public can file a lawsuit against officials in five separate forms. In addition, the Board has formed two committees appointed by the Probe Panel and the RICs at the board and state level to check the validity of the complaints. In the event of major fraud by any official, the Integrity Management Cell (IMC) and the Chairman of the FBR may refer the matter to another capable platform for further analysis and intervention. The process to file a complaint is as follows:

Call the FBR Helpline Emailing to the [email protected] Complaints portal facility FBR online portal. Postal system to the Chairman of the FBR or told committees in field formations Personal meeting of the Chairman of the Integrity Protection Cell

The Board has already affirmed that it will keep a full record of your grievances and will advise the complainant accordingly.