Federal Minister Claims that An EVM Can’t Be Hacked

Furthermore, Minister Shibli Faraz said that 300,000 votes are lost in the voting process. Because of it, the government has developed the machine as per the requirements of the Election Commission and there is no option to insert USB into this machine any voter cannot use it more than once. Shibli Faraz said that the whole world is shifting to technology, and now it is up to the Election Commission to decide whether to use EVM or not. Earlier this year, the government also made a prototype of an EVM, which it aims to roll out for the 2023 national polls. It should be worth pointing out here that an EVM does not just comprise of a single machine in a polling booth. Instead, the system utilizes various ‘modules’ that work together to enable the electronic voting process.  A complete EVM solution consists of the following modules:

A Voter Identification Unit A Control Unit A Balloting Unit Printer-based Paper Audit Trail Box (Printer Box), and RTS Module

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