Food Delivery via Drones to Soon Start in Islamabad

“Using drones to deliver food in Islamabad.  Coming soon…,” the District Commissioner tweeted.  However, the lack of details is a bit annoying, but the fact remains that it is a tantalizing reality that will get people engaged with the viable idea and thinking of ways in which it can be brought to fruition.  — Muhammed Hamza Shafqaat (@hamzashafqaat) September 29, 2021 It is natural that a number of questions will arise in the minds of the audience over the feasibility of implementing a system of drones for delivering food. First and foremost, are they going to substitute the food delivery riders entirely, or are we going towards some kind of hybrid concept? Can these drones will be able to sustain all kinds of weather and geographical conditions?  Such types of queries will constitute a big chunk of the drone-powered food delivery arguments that will become prevalent in the future.  Check out? opens doors for B2B Pakistani sellers to grow business to 200 markets in the world