foodpanda Introduces Video Making Competition – AppStories

Most creative app video entry wins a Microsoft smartphone foodpanda, the leading mobile and online food ordering marketplace has recently announced a video making competition by the name of ‘AppStories’. Participants are to shoot scenario based videos where foodpanda mobile app comes to optimal usage. The competition is to last till Wednesday, December 17th, 2014 while the announcement for winning participant will be made on December 22nd. The most creative entry will win them a Microsoft smartphone.

Make a situation based video which shows the most creative usage of foodpanda Mobile app. Duration of video should be less than 2 minutes. Videos should be inbox-ed to foodpanda Facebook page. Any entry submitted on the page timeline will be removed immediately. Last date of entry is 17th December, 2014. Only 10 best entries will be shortlisted. Find your video on foodpanda Facebook page on 18th December and get your friends to like it. Wait for the winner announcement on 22nd December, 2014. With over 5 million global downloads and 400 downloads in Pakistan on a daily average, foodpanda mobile app is available on Android, iOS and Windows Phone where Android market is the strongest with 66% of the total downloads.

No entries will be accepted after 12:00am 17th December, 2014. foodpanda app should be visible in the videos. The jury selection will be final. Any video-making devices such as mobile phones and digital cameras can be used.

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