Google Chrome Omnibox Makes Search Faster

This much-needed step was announced in Chromium blog post by the product manager for Chrome browser, Yana Yushkina.  She announced a faster search speed when searching via Omnibox. Omnibox is a bar at the top of the Chrome Browser that is used for typing website addresses and search queries. Apart from this, she also announced that Chrome would also use less memory. While telling about this, Yushkina said: “Searching in Chrome is now even faster, as search results are prefetched if a suggested query is very likely to be selected. “This means that you see the search results more quickly, as they’ve been fetched from the web server before you even select the query.” Yushkina said that now the results will appear in less than 500 milliseconds. However, there is a cath. It will only work if users set Google Search as the default search engine. But it will be possible for other search developers to integrate this speedy feature for people who prefer Bing, Yahoo, or DuckDuckGo. Another est thing apart from speedier Omnibox searches, Chrome will also use less memory. “Chrome OS shows a total memory footprint reduction of 15% in addition to a 20% browser process memory reduction, improving the Chromebook browsing experience for both single and multi-tabs”  Yushkina also shared details regarding the common shutdown hang issue and revealed how the team solved it. Many years back, the Chrome development team had added a local cache to help the browser start up faster. However, now they have discovered that it only increased complexity on some of the operating systems and was eating up memory along with the unwanted shutdowns. So the team has removed this Cache and has resolved this common shutdown bug issue. Also Read: How does Google Chrome know what you want to Search on the internet?