It wasn’t the case on 22nd Nov. A rally was organized by 200 people and employees. They protested against the termination of their two colleagues, Rebecca Rivers and Laurence Berland. These two individuals were accused of entering into the private and personal data of the company. They were also alleged of accessing some internal information which they shouldn’t have accessed.

Google found suspicious after sudden termination of its employees

Therefore, Google has fired both the workers. Along with that, they expelled two more people who participated in the rally against Google. According to a Bloomberg report, Google has confirmed that they had to expel the employees. The spokesperson of the company stated that, it had fired four employees for “clear and repeated violations of our data security policies,” saying those workers “were involved in systematic searches for other employees’ materials and work”. He further added that this was not the first time. These employees have been warned before and also leaked some information of the company to the outside world. But, on the contrary, there are some opposing voices. These voices are in the favor of suspended employees. Google walkout organizers group showed the other side of the coin as well. They have accused Google of halting any united front of employees. The Company wants to curb any union of the employees. Google previously allowed employees to freely access documents from across the company. And now they are changing its laws just to fire those who oppose the company. check out? Careem Partners with WOW & Government of Sindh Rebbeca Rivers confirmed her expulsion by posting a tweet. She was the one who had organized protests as well. And now she is paying the price. So, these events are propagating suspicions and resentment towards Google, which is major company of democratic USA.