While it is saying that this logo is developed due to its 10th birthday, if we look back, this app actually cam into being on March 2012 but it seems difference of March and July doesn’t matter much. While the company is rebranding it self, it is also working on other merging it platforms including Google Books, Google Music, and Google Movies, into a single storefront  having new “Play” branding on these specific brands. During the last few years, most of the apps have automatically disappeared that includes Play Music, Play Movies which later on became Google TV. Keeping in view that most of platforms having Play branding have gone now, the new branding was expected since there is no need of giving the tag Play to the logo now.

Coming to the change , made to logo, the new logo looks quite youthful lacking the gradients present in the older logo. The logo have become more vibrant having saturated colors. The inside shapes of different parts of logo are also noticeably changed. One of the most prominent change is the size of blue color which is lessen to give space to other colors. I believe that new logo looks much better in terms of colors and density. The colors are much saturated as compared to Google’s previous logos. If you have not started seeing the new branding, don’t worry since the launch will vary from country to country. Just wait and watch. Also Read: Google Play Store is Restoring App Permissions list

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