Google Team Explored Synergies On Visit To Pakistan

According to the latest reports, the basic purpose of the visit was to explore the potential of education. Furthermore, they wanted to explore the public sectors of Pakistan to transform them using Google’s latest tools and technologies. This was a one-week visit that started off with on-ground meetings in Lahore. The Google delegation visited along with its country partner, Tech Valley. The Google delegation met with different private sector schools and colleges to assess their current capabilities. Furthermore, they also discussed future plans for adopting technology to make the learning process more effective. Furthermore, the team also visited the Ministry of Federal Education and attended an MOU signing ceremony between Tech Valley and the Ministry. The aim of the ceremony was to utilize Google tools and technologies to work for the children who don’t go to school.  Pakistan has devastatingly 22.4 million children who are out of school. So, it’s a very good initiative to work for those children. According to the agreement both parties will work to provide chrome books for government schools. Moreover, they will also conduct teachers’ training to provide them with the right tools.