AI to identify, track and forecast outbreaks 

The earlier we are able to track this virus, the earlier we can fight it. The AI can learn to diagnose an outbreak by reviewing news stories, social media sites, and government records. Tracking the threat of infectious diseases using AI is exactly the service provided by BlueDot, a Canadian company. The service also makes use of Huawei Ascend series AI chips ‘ powerful computing capabilities to offer in seconds the quantisation outcome of a single event. 

AI to help diagnose the virus 

Artificial Intelligence company has released a covid-19 AI system that helps healthcare staff on the front line identify and track the disease effectively. With the increased workload generated by the virus, imaging departments of health care facilities are being taxed.  Alternatively, the service will produce CT quantization results in seconds with Huawei’s Ascend AI series chips. Compared to conventional approaches used by physicians to manually calculate ROIs for quantitative assessment, this program significantly increases the quality of diagnosis.  HUAWEI CLOUD also collaborated with various industries on the implementation of several AI-based scientific research projects on COVID-19.