iPhone 13 Screen Repair Saga- A major setback to Repair Industry

The repairing shops will have to choose between spending more on new equipment or losing their source of income. The report further emphasizes what the change is actually about: The iPhone 13 is paired to its screen using this small microcontroller, in a condition repair techs often call “serialization.” Apple has not provided a way for owners or independent shops to pair a new screen. Authorized technicians with access to proprietary software, Apple Services Toolkit 2, can make new screens work by logging the repair to Apple’s cloud servers and syncing the serial numbers of the phone and screen. This gives Apple the ability to approve or deny each individual repair.  Authorized Apple shops will not have to witness this issue since they have access to software that can allow iPhone 13 to accept a new screen with just a few clicks. However, most of the shops are not part of this Independent Repair Provider program, which means they will have to suffer. Moreover, this task of screen replacement of iPhone 13 can only be done if someone knows how to microsolder to remove the tiny microcontroller from the screen to get a new one. From the video below from iCorrect , you will be able to understand that how much involved this microcontroller switch is and what difficulties will be faced by shops offering iPhone screen repairing.

This is not the first time Apple has taken such a step in order to discourage screen repairing from third parties. Previously, Apple has been discouraging people from getting screen repairs done by indie shops by giving certain warnings. This step from the company will also be alarming for the customers as Authorised screen repairing of iPhone is quite expensive but then they have no other choice. As when we look into alternatives, we come to know that users can either pull off a delicate microcontroller swap and sacrifice FaceID or use the phone with a broken screen. Since both these options do not seem appealing, authorized repairing is the only best option left even if it costs too much. Also Read: Prices of iPhone 13 Series in Pakistan