Number of mobile phone users in Pakistan reached 166.36 million by end May compared to 167.88 million by end April, which registered a decrease of 1.52 million during the period under review. Monthly Next Generation Mobile Service (NGMS) penetration decreased from 37.86 in April to 37.7 percent in May.

Number of 3G and 4G users declines by 0.3m

Jazz’s total count for 3G users stood at 11.035 million by end May compared to 11.294 million by end April, registering a decrease of 0.259 million. Jazz 4G user numbers jumped from 17.895 by end April to 18.271 million by end May 2020. Zong 3G subscribers decreased from 6.987 million by end April to 6.741 million by end May while the number of 4G users jumped from 16.935 million by end April to 17.051 million by end May.  The number of 3G users of Telenor network decreased from 7.350 million by end April to 7.089 million. The number of 4G users jumped from 10.245 million by end April to 10.383 million by end May. Ufone 3G users decreased from 5.904 million by end April to 5.652 million by end May. The number of 4G users of Ufone increased from 3.562 million by end April to 3.657 million by end May. Teledensity for cellular mobile decreased from 79.27 percent in April to 78.51 percent in May. The broadband subscribers decreased to 81.91 million by end May compared to 82.18 million by end April 2020. PTA received 6997 complaints from telecom consumers against different telecom operators including (cellular operators, PTCL, LDIs, WLL operators and ISPs) as of May 2020. According to PTA data Jazz (Mobilink + Warid) leads the chart with 2671 complaints and Telenor stands at second position as the most complained telecom operator with 1534 complaints. PTA said that it was able to get 6982 complaints resolved i.e. 99 percent. Cellular mobile subscribers constitute major part of overall telecom subscriber base, therefore, maximum number of complaints belong to this segment. Total number of complaints against CMOs by May stood at 6167. In terms of the segregation of complaints on operator basis, a total of 2671 complaints were received against Jazz which is 43.3% of the total CMO related complaints.  Telenor, which has the second largest number of consumers, was also second with 1534 i.e. 24.87 percent complaints were received against it.  Zong stood third with 1115 complaints i.e. 18.08 percent of total complaints. Ufone had 847 complaints against its various services which make up 13.73 percent of the total CMO related complaints.  PTA also received 319 complaints against basic telephony where 313 were addressed during May 2020. Further 507 complaints were received against ISPs where 498 were addressed.