“At Islamabad Airport, a digital token system has been installed for carrying out rapid checks for inbound passengers from Cat-C countries“, said spokesman for the Aviation Division Abdul Sattar Khokhar. Senior Joint Secretary Abdul Sattar Khokhar said in a press release that almost 1,000 passengers arrive everyday from the United Kingdom (UK), South Africa, Brazil, Ireland, Portugal and the Netherlands to Pakistan and are being sent for their rapid diagnostic test in lounge A2. He also confirmed that the airport had a manual token system previously installed at the airport by the PCAA, however the organization is making it efficient than before.  The negative PCR test threshold for Category B and C country passengers was reduced from 96 to 72 hours, from 1 to 28 February, in compliance with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), adopted for all inbound flights to stop the spread of novel coronavirus in the country.

Previously, the PCAA explained that, in addition to diplomatic passport holders and their families from Category-C countries, only air passengers holding a Pakistani passport, a National Identification Card for Overseas Pakistanis and a Pakistan Origin Card will be permitted to enter Pakistan.

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