According to PTA, it received around 1,200,000 complaints out of which 134,000 complaints were against Facebook. Moreover, after careful analysis, it blocked over 1,135,000 IDs for posting ‘illegal’ content and involvement in a smear campaign against state institutions. Other than this, more than 112,000 fake Social Media IDs were also blocked on Facebook. The telecom regulator also got 65,122 complaints of accounts that were posting ‘immoral’ content on TikTok. After reviewing, PTA blocked 63,000 IDs. As far as YouTube is concerned, 36,000 videos were removed for sharing immoral content whereas 31,860 Twitter IDs were also blocked after receiving the complaints.   No doubt, PTA is doing marvelous work when it comes to curbing hatred, and fake and immoral content on social media. However, people are also playing their part by reporting such accounts. The main reason behind such postings is just to defame the image of the country since such posts are shared by people throughout the world. Other than this, PTA is also working hard to restore the telecommunication services in flood-affected areas in collaboration with telecom operators. Also Read: PTA’s Decision to Register VPNs Intimidates Pakistani Netizens