Samsung had introduced the 1TB storage back in 2019, with Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus. Though, the storage offering was not continued with other Samsung Galaxy phones. But according to many tipster it is confirmed that since Apple has offered 1TB in iPhone 13 Pro, Samsung is also planning for the 1TB storage in Galaxy S22 Ultra. According to former Samsung employee SuperRoader Tweet on Saturday said that Samsung has decided to support 1TB storage for S22 Ultra. Regarding the release date, he said in his tweet that the exact date is not known but it might be after February. Another prominent tipster Ishan Agarwal Tweeted that the Galaxy S22 Ultra variant will be having a 1TG storage but it will be in selected regions. The need for 1TB storage is not for the average consumer; but since Samsung has eliminated the expandable storage i.e. microSD support but the handset supports high quality camera. So the photography lovers or the professional will be happy with the 1TB storage option. It has also been in rumors that Samsung may not use the Exynos 2200 chipset with its AMD graphics. It may shift to Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset for all its units. But the more reliable tipsters disregards this rumor. Normally countries like U.S., Canada and China always get Snapdragon chipset handsets and the rest of the world get Exynos chipsets. Galaxy S22 will be having four-color options i.e. black, white, green and burgundy. The Galaxy S22 Ultra is also said to be coming with S Pen. We expect that the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra will be introduced with the Galaxy S22 and Galaxy S22+ on the 9th of February with a release date of 24th February. Also Read: Samsung to Roll Out the much awaited Exynos 2200 alongside S22 series