Jeff’s phone was hacked in 2018 when he received a private WhatsApp message from the personal account of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman. That encrypted messages on WhatsApp had some malicious file that compromised the security of Jeff’s phones and even extracted a large amount of data from in just a few hours.

Saudi dismisses reports crown prince is behind the hacking of Jeff Bezos’ phone

After the forensic of Bezos’ phone, it had witnessed some evidence which proved the approach to Saudi Arabia for explanation over the matter. The security chief of the Jeff Bezos said that the Saudi government has taken access to his phone and also gathered all the private information from it including the text messages between him and television anchor. However, Saudi media has reported that it has nothing to do with the hacking of the device. — Saudi Embassy (@SaudiEmbassyUSA) January 22, 2020