The contract signing ceremony was graced by Maj Gen Muhammad Shahid Sideeq, DG SCO and Chairman HBL, Mr. Sultan Ali Allana. SCO is providing Digital Financial Services with the brand name of “S-Paisa” in AJ&K and GB since 2019. S-Paisa is exclusively disbursing cash for beneficiaries of Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) in AJ&K and GB and also affected population along Line of control. This agreement will be the catalyst to extend the financial outreach and convenience to more than 6 million people of the region through state-of-the-art, convenient and secure branchless banking services. By virtue of this agreement, multiple services will be leveraged upon including Mobile Wallet App + USSD, SCOM Prepaid/ Post Paid Biller, AJ&K and GB Barkyaat Bill and Cash in-Cash out through agents, to fulfill the needs of banked as well as the unbanked population of AJ&K and GB. Speaking at the ceremony, Maj General Muhammad Shahid Sideeq, DG SCO said, Chairman HBL Mr. Sultan Ali Allana while sharing his views said “We must provide a digital ecosystem that offers more avenues of banking to the unbanked population of Pakistan. Every Pakistani should be provided with the opportunities that give her or him, financial independence. Financial inclusion through strategic partnerships, such as with the SCO, is a key focus area for HBL.” Check Also: Faysal Bank collaborates with Pakistan Freelancers Association to facilitate the freelancer community