The Twitter product manager, Alex Ackerman-Greenberg, said that Twitter will soon test voice direct messages. Ackerman-Greenberg said they knew that people wanted more ways to express themselves during Twitter private and public discussions. With a 20-second voice message on Twitter, Ackerman-Greenberg properly informed the publication of the new development. Recommended: Twitter is Testing a New Edit Feature

Twitter Ready to Launch Voice Direct Messages

Voice messages on Twitter will have a single interface; a play/pause button will only be available. An “in-line recording experience” has been created by the product team so that it is easier to send these messages as part of the normal discussion flow, “which differs from the audio tweets interface, which Twitter had sent to some iOS users in June. In case the new feature is misused, users will have the option to report a message. Presently, people are able to send direct messages with text, GIFs, images, and videos. While the Ackerman-Greenberg disclosed that the function would first be tested in Brazil, no information is available on when the voice messages feature is being implemented to other countries, even if only on a test basis. Twitter got criticism for the recently released audio tweets features for iOS. It is criticized for not being accessible to people with hearing restrictions, which makes Twitter even more unreachable. But in a recent interview, a Twitter executive said that they now have an accessibility team for full-time products de developments and that accessibility is being taken into consideration even when functions are defined. Also Read: Twitter Launches Election Hub with Voting info in English & Spanish 

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