“You have my full support to walk away after setting the place on fire.”

Twitter’s whistleblower Zatko: a real threat

As Zatko is a famous hacker and was named Mudge, Tweeter hired it to devise strategies for a good and foolproof security system. But the company had many issues with him because of which they fired him lately. A spokesperson from Twitter said: “Mr. Zatko was fired from his senior executive role at Twitter in January 2022 for ineffective leadership and poor performance.” Zatko accused the company and told that Twitter had a terrible security system and it did nothing to improve it, and the company also had misleading governance and follow a repeated pattern of lying by the investors, board of directors, and Elon Musk. Zatko also told that the company does not know how to motivate the employees and even the company does not have rules to protect its users. The company has many security breaches that it hides from its users and shows that they care a lot. He added that the company never complied with the 2011 FTC consent order. Twitter in response to the accusation said: “What we’ve seen so far is a false narrative about Twitter and our privacy and data security practices that are riddled with inconsistencies and inaccuracies and lack important context.” The company also told that Zatko was a disgruntled employee whose timing is opportunistic. Many other threatening accusations from Zakto came like Twitter has employed agents from the Indian government, Dorsey, the worst CEO ever and security breaches that occurred after his hiring. At this time of great turmoil for the company posed by Elon Musk, such acquisitions from the internal employee pose a great threat to the company and it needs to seriously cater to the procedure how to satisfy the former employees who are saying wrong for the company. Read Also: Tip Jar- Twitter lets People Leave Tips for Some Tweeters – PhoneWorld