The inquiry was launched just after President Joe Biden took the position of office in 2021. A ten-page document was formed and viewed by the media companies. It mainly points out the orders to investigate the Huawei Company for transferring secret information to foreign parties. The investigation started when FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr claimed that the cell towers near Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana used Huawei technology and may be data from the phone got transferred. They have vital information about the military actions and if that gets transferred to other countries, the US will have a great loss. He said: “There’s a very real concern that some of that technology could be used as an early warning system if there happened to be, God forbid, an ICBM missile strike.” A spokesperson also added: “Protecting US persons’ safety and security against malign information collection is vital to protecting our economy and national security.” The media also asked Huawei to comment on the accusation but the company denied saying anything in response. The Chinese embassy in Washington said an email in which a spokesperson said: “The US government abuses the concept of national security and state power to go all out to suppress Huawei and other Chinese telecommunications companies without providing any solid proof that they constitute a security threat to the US and other countries.” The US government for long is accusing the company of spying on behalf of the Chinese government but couldn’t provide any solid proof about this. It is still not clear what actions will be taken by the agency. Whether it will judge the company as a national security threat or keep make it innocent of the accusation. Also Read: Huawei Get Another Three Month Extension to US Ban Saga- The Drama Continues…