Restriction alerts are introduced by Google Maps, which helps travellers get to and from their destinations as safe and sound as possible. Google Maps have added a feature to notify its users about the route they want to use for their journey. It informs the users whether their way is affected by COVID-19 restrictions or not. This feature reminds the users whether they are suitable to attend the medical facility to avoid being turned away. Alerts related to medical assistance are now available in a few countries like the U.S, South Korea, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

You can now get around quickly with new Google Maps COVID alerts

Google Maps has also introduced some transit alerts for the implementation of government rules. For example, it helps the user to know at which places masks are mandatory. These transit alerts are available in Australia, Brazil, France, India, and Thailand, with so many countries to come. It also has a new feature which notifies about the rush and crowd at different local transport. Data collected from the other travelers help the people check their required carrier, whether available at their necessary slot. Another prominent feature is that it helps to record current travelers’ data and the past riders, for example, their temperature and other medical details. These newly introduced alerts are available globally to help people get around safely. Also Read: Google Maps returns to the Apple Watch After three years